Sixth Form Enrichment

Enrichment and Experience

In addition to A level study, enrichment is a core part of life in our Sixth Form. Workshops, talks by external speakers and trips both home and abroad develop higher level thinking, knowledge of current affairs and wider world awareness. 

We all know that there is more to a Sixth Form experience than study and so we make sure that there are plenty of other opportunities to get to know each other, see what is going on in the outside world and develop new skills. Most importantly, we ask you what you would like to do and try to make that happen.

Here are some of the things we do:
The Year 12 bonding trip in the Autumn Term allows everyone to get to know each other well at the start of Sixth Form.

Every Easter, a group of our Sixth Formers join disabled and disadvantaged children for a week in Lourdes, courtesy of the charity HCPT. The children have a wonderful fun-filled week, allowing their regular carers to have a break. Our students return from Lourdes closer as a group, more confident as individuals, spiritually enriched and much more aware of the world beyond their own.

International trips: These often go beyond the usual and in the past have included India, Colombia, New York and Amsterdam.

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

A central focus of the Lower Sixth Form experience is the Easter Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Here students work with HCPT and the disabled children who travel to Lourdes as part of family groups, providing care and fun whilst fully enriching the week for them. It is a two way experience and students return feeling that the week has helped them gain an understanding of serving others.