Our Values and Vision

Alton School is a forward-looking Catholic School, one which is welcoming to pupils and families of all faiths and indeed none. Our ethos and values are at the heart of all that we do in terms of our day to day learning and full engagement with school life. 

The Sisters who established the school believed in pupils being the very best version of themselves – “Being the best that they can be”. Today, our mission is to encourage the same for all members of our community. 

Our values apply to all aspects of life, both inside and outside of the classroom. 

Being the best that you can be academically lies at the heart of our classroom practice. Teaching is aspirational and we strive to add value to every single pupil at the school. Being Unashamedly Academic is something to be proud of, and at Alton School pupils are encouraged to think creatively and critically in all aspects of the curriculum. 

Pupils are encouraged to be Active, taking part in and leading the many co-curricular activities at the school. Whether that be sporting, dramatic, musically, entrepreneurial or something far more adventurous, there is something here to engage with. 

Finally, being the best version of yourself in an Altruistic and caring way. As a school which places pastoral care at our centre, we encourage the pupils to act with tolerance, integrity and kindness. 

Our values, based on Catholic faith, encourage the pupils to be caring and respectful of each other.